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We provide 24/7 support for all cooling and heating emergencies in Baton Rouge, LA, and surrounding parishes. Give us a call any time if you’re experiencing emergency issues with your A/C unit or heater – your comfort is our priority!

Think Cool. Think Thermal.

Air Conditioning and Heating

HVAC & Refrigeration Contractor in Baton Rouge, LA

Welcome to Thermal Solutions LLC! Throughout Baton Rouge, LA and all surrounding areas, we’ve been proudly providing our renowned residential HVAC-R services and commercial HVAC-R services to customers for the past decade. From our AC repairs to air quality, we will make sure your HVAC-R equipment gets installed correctly, maintained, or replaced, all at competitive prices that don’t sacrifice quality or customer service. We also lead the way in energy-efficient commercial refrigeration services in Baton Rouge, LA. With over 100 years of combined experience with heating and AC repairs or replacement, there’s no way you can go wrong when you enlist Thermal Solutions for professional commercial or residential HVAC-R services.

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Affordable Residential and Commercial Services

Thermal Solutions LLC is also a proud family-owned and operated HVAC-R business. Our heating and AC repairs include new equipment installations if needed. We help by walking you through all of the issues faced with your equipment and give you step-by-step instructions on the services we provide to keep you and your family or employees comfortable. Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes can count on our professionally trained technicians for AC repairs in a timely manner to ensure your comfort over the summer and throughout the year. It’s our mission to ensure every Baton Rouge, LA resident, and business owner is completely satisfied, and we do this by providing the best possible HVAC-R service at an affordable price.

HVAC technician working

Think Cool

At Thermal Solutions LLC, we completely understand the stress that comes with not having a properly functioning air conditioning system—especially during hot Louisiana summers. Our technicians (all of whom are licensed and insured) have a total of 100 years of combined experience when it comes to AC repair, replacement and other HVAC-R services. Here are some of the appliances and services Baton Rouge, LA, and surrounding area residents and businesses can rely on from our well-trained professionals:

  • Rooftop units
  • Kitchen exhaust fans
  • Indoor air quality
  • Air purifiers/filtering
  • Automation controls
  • Air volume units
  • AC repair
  • AC replacement
  • Heating unit repair
  • Heating unit replacement

24/7 Service When Baton Rouge Needs Us

Thermal Solutions is able to provide extremely reliable service—around the clock! We’re here for you when the other guys won’t come to your home or business. We have some of the fastest response rates in the state when the need arises, so you can rest easy knowing you’re in good hands. Since you can never tell when you’re going to need an AC replacement or repair, we provide 24/7 emergency services. Whether your AC quits working, your heating system isn’t functioning properly, or your HVAC-R unit is making noises, simply give us a call at 225-224-8696 to schedule an emergency appointment. Our speedy and efficient team will do their very best to have your AC repaired or heating unit back up and running in no time! Our response times are some of the fastest in the industry, and we are proud to be your choice for all AC repairs and replacements and heating unit adjustments.

Commercial HVAC Services by Thermal Solutions

Think Thermal

Over the years, we’ve become well known throughout the community for offering dependable and affordable services. Our aim is not to make a quick and easy profit off of your family or business—it’s to build lasting, meaningful customer relationships in Baton Rouge, LA and throughout all the surrounding areas. We want to ensure you and your family can stay comfortable without breaking the bank. And with a 10% discount for all military personnel and seniors, we do our best to give back to the community and say thank you by providing heating and AC repair and replacements.

For us at Thermal Solutions, our HVAC-R services are more than just a job: They’re our passion, and after working for the past ten years with Baton Rouge, LA residents and business owners we have created some fantastic relationships. We are filled with immense pride that our community has allowed us to continue working for them and with them for AC repairs and other HVAC-R services. We are entirely dedicated to using only the highest-grade materials for all of our AC repairs, replacements, installations and services. That’s just the Thermal Solutions way of doing things for Baton Rouge, LA!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you have questions about services like, “How much will it cost for my AC repair?”, “Do you service my area, even though I live outside of Baton Rouge, LA?”, or “Do I have to replace my entire HVAC-R system?” give us a call today. We provide a full warranty with all heating and AC replacements and repairs while working around the clock to ensure your HVAC-R systems are running smoothly. Whether Baton Rouge, LA residents, or businesses need an AC repair, refrigeration services, or residential new construction, our team of licensed and insured contractors and technicians will have your HVAC-R system up and running in no time!

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